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Version: 0.14.0

Release notes v0.8.0

Here are some highlights of this release. For a full list of updates available for Release v0.8.0, check out the Function Mesh change log.

Support VPA

In preview releases, Function Mesh supported Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA), which automatically scales up a workload resource (such as a Deployment or StatefulSet) by deploying more Pods.

In this release, Function Mesh supports Kubernetes Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA). VPA is a component that you install in your cluster to automatically adjust CPU and memory requests and limits based on historical resource utilization.

For details about how to configure VPA autoscaling, see VPA.

Support enabling/disabling init container

Function Mesh v0.7.0 provided a downloaderImage option to specify the image that is used to install the init container. However, after being installed, the init container may not be able to access the Pulsar cluster when Istio (Strict mode) is enabled on the Pulsar cluster. Therefore, in this release, an enable-init-containers flag is introduced to configure the Function Mesh Controller Manager to enable or disable the init container. By default, the init container is disabled.

Introduce batch source configurations

In previous releases, Function Mesh did not provide good support for mapping from the batchSourceConfig option to the sourceConfig option. In this release, a batchSourceConfig option is introduced. Therefore, you can run a batch source connector with Function Mesh.

Performance tuning

In this release, a javaOpts option is introduced. This option can be used to specify some JVM options for better configuring JVM behaviors, including exitOnOOMError, Garbage Collection logs, Garbage Collection tuning, and so on.