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Version: 0.14.0

Function Mesh Operator configurations

This table outlines the configurable parameters of the Function Mesh Operator and their default values.

Configuration properties

enable-leader-electionWhether the Function Mesh Controller Manager should enable leader election.true
enable-pprofWhether the Function Mesh Controller Manager should enable pprof.false
enable-init-containersWhether the Function Mesh Controller Manager should enable the init container.
- When enabled, Function Mesh downloads an HTTP or HTTPs package through the wget.
- When disabled, Function Mesh downloads an HTTP or HTTPs package through the pulsar-admin CLI tool. In this case, you need to grant your service account the admin access right.
pprof-addrThe address of the pprof.:8090
metrics-addrThe address of the metrics.:8080
health-probe-addrThe address of the health probe.:8000
config-fileThe configuration file of the Function Mesh Controller Manager, which includes runnerImages, resourceLabels, and resourceAnnotations configurations.
- runnerImage: the runner image to run the Pulsar Function instances. Currently, it supports Java, Python, and Go runner images.
- resourceLabels: set labels for Pulsar Functions, Sources, or Sinks.
- resourceAnnotations: set annotations for Pulsar Functions, Sources, or Sinks.

Configure Function Mesh Operator

When you install the Function Mesh Operator through the Helm chart, you can apply its configurations through the command flag. For example, if you want to enable pprof for the Function Mesh Operator, set the controllerManager.pprof.enable to true.

helm install <release_name> function-mesh/function-mesh-operator -n <k8s_namespace> \
--set controllerManager.pprof.enable=true

When you install the Function Mesh Operator through Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM), you can apply its configurations through the spec.config.env field and then upgrade the resource.

This example shows how to enable pprof for the Function Mesh Operator.

kind: Subscription
name: my-function-mesh
namespace: operators
channel: alpha
name: function-mesh
source: operatorhubio-catalog
sourceNamespace: olm
value: true