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Version: 0.5.0


This document describes how to install Function Mesh based on your application in Kubernetes.

Install Function Mesh

This section describes how to install Function Mesh through the script or through the Helm.


Before installing Function Mesh, ensure to perform the following operations.

Install cert-manager

Function Mesh is enabled with the admission control webhook by default. Therefore, you need to prepare the relevant signed certificate. Secrets that contain signed certificates are named with the fixed name function-mesh-admission-webhook-server-cert, which is controlled by the Certificate CRD.

It is recommended to use cert-manager to manage these certificates and you can install the cert-manager as follows.

helm repo add jetstack
helm repo update
helm install \
cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \
--namespace cert-manager \
--create-namespace \
--version v1.8.0 \
--set installCRDs=true

Install Function Mesh through script

This example shows how to use the command to install Function Mesh on your laptop (Linux or Mac OS), including a local kind cluster, all the Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs), required service account configuration, and Function Mesh components.

curl -sSL | bash

After executing the above command, you should be able to see the output indicating that the Function Mesh pod is up and running. For details, see verify installation.


The command is suitable for trying Function Mesh out. If you want to deploy Function Mesh in production or other mission-critical scenarios, it is recommended to install Function Mesh through Helm.

Install Function Mesh through Helm

This example shows how to install Function Mesh through Helm.


  • Before installation, ensure that Helm v3 is installed properly.
  • For the use of kubectl commands, see kubectl command reference.
  1. Add the StreamNative Function Mesh repository.

    helm repo add function-mesh
    helm repo update
  2. Install the Function Mesh Operator.

    Let's set some variables for convenient use later.

    export FUNCTION_MESH_RELEASE_NAME=function-mesh  # change the release name according to your scenario
    export FUNCTION_MESH_RELEASE_NAMESPACE=function-mesh # change the namespace to where you want to install Function Mesh

    Install the Function Mesh Operator via following command.


    • If no Kubernetes namespace is specified, the default namespace is used.

    • If the namespace ${FUNCTION_MESH_RELEASE_NAMESPACE} doesn't exist yet, you can add the parameter --create-namespace to create it automatically.

    helm install ${FUNCTION_MESH_RELEASE_NAME} function-mesh/function-mesh-operator -n ${FUNCTION_MESH_RELEASE_NAMESPACE}

    This table outlines the configurable parameters of the Function Mesh Operator and their default values.

    enable-leader-electionWhether the Function Mesh Controller Manager should enable leader election.true
    enable-pprofWhether the Function Mesh Controller Manager should enable pprof.false
    pprof-addrThe address of the pprof.:8090
    metrics-addrThe address of the metrics.:8080
    health-probe-addrThe address of the health probe.:8000
    config-fileThe configuration file of the Function Mesh Controller Manager, which includes runnerImages, resourceLabels, and resourceAnnotations configurations.
    - runnerImage: the runner image to run the Pulsar Function instances. Currently, it supports Java, Python, and Go runner images.
    - resourceLabels: set labels for Pulsar Functions, Sources, or Sinks.
    - resourceAnnotations: set annotations for Pulsar Functions, Sources, or Sinks.

    For example, if you want to enable pprof for the Function Mesh Operator, set the controllerManager.pprof.enable to true.

    helm install ${FUNCTION_MESH_RELEASE_NAME} function-mesh/function-mesh-operator -n ${FUNCTION_MESH_RELEASE_NAMESPACE} \
    --set controllerManager.pprof.enable=true
  3. Check whether Function Mesh is installed successfully.

    kubectl get pods --namespace ${FUNCTION_MESH_RELEASE_NAMESPACE} -l


    NAME                                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    function-mesh-controller-manager-5f867557c-d6vf4 1/1 Running 0 8s

Verify installation

  • This example shows how to verify whether Function Mesh is installed successfully.


    ${NAMESPACE} indicates the namespace where Function Mesh Operator is installed.

    kubectl get pods --namespace ${NAMEPSACE} -l


    NAME                                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    function-mesh-controller-manager-5f867557c-d6vf4 1/1 Running 0 8s
  • This example shows how to verify whether Function Mesh can run properly.

    After installing the Function Mesh Operator and deploying a Pulsar cluster, you can submit a sample CRD to create Pulsar Functions, source, sink, or Function Mesh. In this example, a CRD is submitted to the Pulsar cluster for creating a Pulsar Function. You can also submit other CRDs under the ./config/samples directory.

    1. Submit a sample CRD to the Pulsar cluster.

      kubectl apply -f config/samples/compute_v1alpha1_function.yaml
    2. Verify your submission with the kubectl command, and you can see that the Function pod is running.

      kubectl get all
      pod/function-sample-0 1/1 Running 0 77s

Uninstall Function Mesh

  1. Use the following command to uninstall Function Mesh through Helm.


${NAMESPACE} indicates the namespace where Function Mesh Operator is installed.

helm delete function-mesh -n ${NAMESPACE}
  1. Remove the Secrets that contain the signed certificate.


If the Secrets are not cleaned up, future installations in this environment might behave abnormally. For details about how to automatically clean up the corresponding Secrets when you delete a Certificate, see Cleaning up Secrets when Certificates are deleted.

kubectl delete secret function-mesh-admission-webhook-server-cert -n ${NAMESPACE}